The Future of AI in Education: Navigating the Ethics and Risks of ChatGPT
A French university has recently decided to ban the use of ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, citing concerns over potential fraud and plagiarism. The university’s decision was prompted by the fear that students may use the tool to produce academic work that is not their own. By prohibiting the use of ChatGPT for any academic purpose, the university joins a growing number of educational institutions that have banned AI tools like essay writing software for similar reasons. While AI tools have the potential to improve learning and simplify academic work, their use in education also raises ethical and practical questions. For instance, in a world where AI can generate content, what constitutes plagiarism? How can institutions ensure that students are not using AI tools to produce work that is not their own? And what should be the role of AI in education and academic work? Buy Now The French university’s ban on ChatGPT highlights the need for educational institu...