
Showing posts from June, 2017

Intel’s wireless HTC Vive add-on is where VR is headed in 21st century.

Intel’s wireless HTC Vive add-on is where VR is headed in 21st century. By; Bashorun Bimbola[Science Contributor], 14/06/2017. It offers the best wireless VR connection we’ve seen yet

Top Twenty Inventors Killed by Their Invention

Top Twenty Inventors Killed by Their Invention By; David Willams 9th of  june, 2017 There’s something ingrained in humans that cause us to take dangerous risks and try things that might change the world. Over the course of civilization, thousands upon thousands of inventions succeeded beyond their creator’s wildest dream. But some were epic fails. Here’s a look at the top twenty inventors who were killed by their own inventions. 20.  Thomas Andrews  was the chief naval architect for the  R.M.S. Titanic  and it was his honor to accompany the ship on its maiden voyage. Andrews was aware of the Titanic’s vulnerability in ice-laden waters and originally called for the Titanic to be double-hulled and equipped with forty-six lifeboats, instead of the twenty it actually carried. He was overruled due to cost constraints. When the Titanic struck the iceberg on April 15, 1912, Andrews heroically helped many people into the lifeboats. He was last seen in the first-class smoking lo